Dr. SyedRaziuddin
Name | Dr. Syed Raziuddin |
Designation | Professor |
Brief Profile(Expertise) | Has Ph.D from GITAM University, M.Tech from VTU, and BE from OU. Has a total of 20 years of teaching experience and has published 24 research papers in various reputed journals apart from handling different administrative posts. Has taught around 12 subjects to UG/PG which includes COBOL, Business Information System, Human Computer Interaction, Software Engineering ,Object Oriented Software Engineering, Software Project Management, Software Quality Testing.Microprocessor & Interfacing,Computer Networks. My mission is to nurture students, builders of nation, to achieve highest positions in today’s competitive environment of industries and serve the Society and Nation in the most prominent way. Also well versed with the latest Swarm Intelligence Techqniues. Guided many UG/PG Projects and also Ph.D students. |
Department | Computer Science Engineering |
Mobile | 8019196260 |
Dateof Joining | 10-Dec-2014 |
Educational Qualifications |
B.E.,M.Tech,Ph.D. |
Professional Competency |
Specialization | Soft computing , Networks |
Experience | Total: 20Years 1. Teaching: 20Years a) Research: 7 Years b) Administration: 10 Years 2. Industrial: - Years |
Publications | |
Conference International Publications: Conference National Publications: Edited Books published by International Publishers: EditedBookspublishedbyNationalPublishers: - Book Chapters in edited books published by International Publishers: Book Chapters in edited books published by National Publishers: |
PhD Thesis: Completed: Ongoing: 2 M.E./MTech-Dissertations: Completed:16 Ongoing: 2 B.E.Projects:Ample |
Academic: Completed: Ongoing: Sponsored: Completed: Ongoing : |
International: National : | |
International:01_____ National: | |
ResearchGuidance | MIE |
ResearchProjects | |
PatentsGranted | |
PatentsPublished | |
Professional Memberships |
Membershipof Committees |
ORCID Profile: Raziuddin Syed (0000-0002-0279-4153) - My ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0279-4153 Scopus Profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=55616198500 (15 Citations,02 h-index, i10 index: - 0) ID: 55616198500 Google Scholar Dr. Syed Raziuddin Google Scholar (40 Citations, 01 h-index, 01 i10 index) ID: b1L-N9YAAAAJ Vidwan Priofile: https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in/myprofile |
Awards&Honors | |
ResearchInterest | |
ResearchProfile(ID&URL) |