National Digital Library of India
National Digital Library of India was launched on 19th June 2018 by the Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development, Mr. Prakash Javadekar.NDLI (www.ndl.gov.in) is sponsored and mentored by Ministry of Education, Government of India, through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT).
The objective of the National Digital Library of India is to make digital educational resources available to all citizens of the country to empower, inspire and encourage learning.
NDLI provides free of cost access too many books. NDLI integrates content from different Indian Institutional Repositories. The NDLI has 100,218,178 resources as of today. There are 60 types of learning resources available – including books, articles, manuscripts, audio and video lectures, a thesis, etc. that are available in more than 400 languages.
NDLI supports browsing the content based on Subject, Source, Type of document, and Learning Resource. Contents from some popular sources like World eBook Library, South Asia Archive, OECD iLibrary, and Satyajit Ray Society can be accessed through NDLI.
NDLI provides the benefit of searching in three different languages – English, Hindi, and Bengali. Information can be personalized based on the education level, choice of language, difficulty level, media of content, and other factors while other Digital libraries may not include all these choices.
NDLI has been designed to benefit all kinds of users like School and College students, teachers, researchers, librarians, library users, professionals, differently abled users, job aspirants’ and all other lifelong learners.
Nation Digital Library of India can be accessed through either the website: https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/ or by downloading the NDL India app from Play Store or App Store.

NDLI Club is an initiative towards a Movement for Integrated Digital Learning across India.
NDLI Clubs are set up in institutes and nodal bodies, and these Clubs conduct events to facilitate students develop knowledge, skill, and traits beyond the regular curriculum which are essential for their progression in their respective professional domains.
DGI NDLI club was formed on 27 July 2021 to conduct events that will help students gain knowledge and improve their skills in topics that are not limited to their curriculum.
An event is a learning-oriented activity conducted by NDLI Club. The events may be conducted either physically or virtually. Sample events include Expert Talks, Lecture Series, Quizzes, Debates, and any co-curricular activities.
- Create a vibrant environment where students can achieve academic excellence and shape their interests and hobbies.
- Activity-based learning is recommended in National Education Policies 2020.
- Club registration and promotion of NDLI is mandated by AICTE and helps in improving NIRF ranking.
- Enhance their knowledge, skill sets, personality traits & leadership qualities
- Every participant will get a Certificate of Participation by joining an event
- Reward Points
Some events will also allocate reward points to Students.Participants earn reward points from activities by uploading the outcome to the club portal.Uploaded outcome (like essays, stories) will be checked by event reviewer and reward points will be allocated.Reward points will be accumulated for each member.
Access to massive academic resources in NDL
NDLI Club Benefits to the Organization
- Create a vibrant environment where students can achieve academic excellence and shape their interests and hobbies.
- Activity-based learning is recommended in National Education Policies 2020.
- Club registration and promotion of NDLI is mandated by AICTE and helps in improving NIRF ranking.
NDLI Club Benefits to Students
- Enhance their knowledge, skill sets, personality traits & leadership qualities
- Every participant will get a Certificate of Participation by joining an event
- Reward Points
Some events will also allocate reward points to Students.Participants earn reward points from activities by uploading the outcome to the club portal.Uploaded outcome (like essays, stories) will be checked by event reviewer and reward points will be allocated.Reward points will be accumulated for each member.
Access to massive academic resources in NDL
DGI NDLI Club was started on 27 July 2021 with an aim to conduct events to facilitate students to develop knowledge, skill and traits beyond regular curriculum which are essential for their progression in respective professional domain. The club has more than two thousand members as of now
NDLI Club Conducts various events like learning oriented activities, training sessions, workshops, lectures, competitions on a regular basis, NDLI-Club learning-oriented events can be both online and offline, for students of an institute using contents of NDLI and experts of the institute as well as external to deliver talks or conduct sessions.
DGI NDLI Club has conducted many events for the students where hundreds of students have participated and obtained the E-Certificates from NDLI.
Deccan Group of Institutions are functioning under the Dar-Us-Salam Educational Trust (DET), which was established in the year 1974 as a self-financing minority institution under the founder chairmanship of Late Alhaj Sultan SalahuddinOwaisi (Member of Parliament) whose guidance over the years has been a great source of inspiration. Dar-us-Salam educational trust is presently under the dynamic chairmanship of Barrister AsaduddinOwaisi (Member of Parliament).
Dar-us-salam educational trust is energetic and eager to engage more creative minds in the quest of knowledge for the improvement of society both materially, humanistically and chose to focus in the fields of medicine, engineering, business management disciplines which enhance quality of human condition in fast paced age.

Steps to Join DGI NDLI Club
To join as NDLI club member of our institute follow the below procedure.
- Visit URL: https://club.ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/sign-up
- Enter the Passkey:(passkey is unique to our institute)
- Enter Valid E-MAIL Address
- Self-Verification E-Mail will be received on the E-Mail address entered in step 3.
DGI NDLI Club Authority

DGI NDLI Club Events
S. No | Name of the Event | Department |
1 | Webinar on “Introduction to NDLI” 27 November 2021 | DGI NDLI Club |
2 | Expert Lecture on “Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC)” by Mr. Sayeed on 18 June 2022 | CSE/IT & DGI NDLI Club |
3 | DECCAN TECH FEST 22 June 2022 | IQAC & DGI NDLI Club |
4 | E-Quiz on Emerging Technologies on 24 September 2022 | SHM & DGI NDLI Club |
5 | Expert Lecture on Career Guidance on 20 October 2022 | EEE & DGI NDLI Club |
6 | Five Day FDP “Advanced Trends in Electronics and Electronics Engineering “ 31 January 2023 – 5 February 2023 | EEE & DGI NDLI Club |
7 | Five-Day FDP on Emerging Trends in Industrial Automation 13-17 February 2023 | MPED & DGI NDLI Club |
8 | One Day Webinar on Stress Management Techniques on 18th March, 2023 | IEDC & DGI NDLI Club |
9 | Expert talk by DCET Alumni on Technological Advancement in Engineering, 15 April 2023 | IEDC & DGI NDLI Club |
10 | DECCAN TECH-FEST -2023 on 29 April 2023 | IEDC & DGI NDLI Club |
11 | Khelo-DCET-2023, Inter-Class Sports Tournament, 10 & 11 May 2023 | Physical Education & DGI NDLI Club |
12 | One Day Workshop on “ IoT Applications in Engineering “ 15 July 2023 | IT Dept. & DGI NDLI Club |
13 | MOOCs SWAYAM NPTEL(National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning) orientation session 18 November 2023 | IEDC & DGI NDLI Club |
14 | TechSci-2023 2 December 2023 | Department of SHM & DGI NDLI Club |
15 | One Day Student Orientation Workshop on MOOCs SWAYAM NPTEL 16 December 2023 | IEDC & DGI NDLI Club |
16 | Seminar on “Competency For Engineering Faculty “ 16 December 2023 | IQAC & IEDC & DGI NDLI Club |
18 19 20 | Decathon 2024 One-Day Student Orientation Workshop on NPTL & Swayam Plus InnoVent 2024 | IEDC & DGI NDLI Club IEDC & DGI NDLI Club IEDC & DGI NDLI Club |
Expert Lecture on “Software Development Life Cycle(SDLC)” by Mr. Sayeed on 18 June 2022
NDLI Certificates
Model Making
Paper Presentation
Poster Presentation
Robotics Competition
Web Designing
E Quiz on Emerging Technologies
Expert Lecture on Career Guidance
A Two day Faculty Development Program on Advanced Trends In
EEE Department
Five day FDP Advance Trends In Industrail Automation
One Day Webinar on Stress Management
Expert Talk by DCET Alumini
Tech Fest 2023
Sports are an extremely important component for the overall development of students. It’s time we inspire young talent, give them top-notch infrastructure and training of the highest level. We need to inculcate a strong spirit of participation in sports that enables students to demonstrate their true potential.
One Day Workshop on IOT Applications in Engineering
- The Internet of Things (IoT) describes the network of physical objects—“things”—that are embedded with sensors, software, and other technologies to connect and exchange data with other devices and systems over the Internet. These devices range from ordinary household objects to sophisticated industrial tools.
- IoT is a new revolution of the Internet and an emerging technology worldwide.
- Many Government organizations, academia, and industry are actively involved in different aspects of research, implementation, and business with IoT.
- There are many applications of IoT in many domains such as agriculture, space, healthcare, manufacturing, construction, water, and mining.
- With more than 15.14 billion connected IoT devices today, experts expect this number to grow to 41.6 billion in 2025.
- This workshop will enable you to enhance your knowledge and develop creative ideas for IoT-based projects
MOOCs SWAYAM NPTEL National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning orientation session
One Day Student Orientation Workshop on MOOCs SWAYAM NPTEL
Competency For Engineering Faculty
Department of ECE in collaboration with IEDC,DGI-NDLI CLUB and IQAC CELL of Deccan College of Engg. & Tech. is organising a seminar on “Competency For Engineering Faculty “in quality education transformation in Higher Education Institution on 16 December2023 by Prof M.A.Nayeem HOD ECE department. It deals with drive to work towards a standard of Excellence and emphasis on journey of learning and not a end destination. Discuss various aspects of mastery,impact and influence overall.
Also promotes knowledge and diversity to strength the team and develop each individual to next updated levels of learning making them leaders of tomorrow.
Decathon 2024
Deccan College of Engineering and Technology ( Deccan Group of Institutions), Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Cell (IEDC) in Association with DGI NDLI organized one Day Hackathon “DECATHON -2024” on 27th April 2024, for the students of BE, ME, M.Tech& MCA. DECATHON -2024 was conducted in two streams Hardware and Software. Total 32 teams participated enthusiastically and their presentation was applauded by judges. Winner certificates were distributed on the same day. We are very much thankful to the Management for giving the permission and also thankful to Director DGI and Principal DCET for continuous support and encouragement for conducting such programs. The program was successfully organized with the support of all the HoD’s, Staff and students.
InnoVent- 2024
A student’s event “InnoVent- 2024” was conducted successfully on 27th July 2024 in DCET campus.This event is a platform dedicated to showcasing student’s innovative ideas and projects. “InnoVent- 2024” is designed to highlight and promote creativity and innovation among student community.
All students of BE., ME., M.Tech. & MCA participated in teams. It was an excellent opportunity for all the students to present their innovative projects, prototypes, and ideas across various fields of study.