National Digital Library of India

National Digital Library of India was launched on 19th June 2018 by the Honourable Minister of Human Resource Development, Mr. Prakash Javadekar.NDLI ( is sponsored and mentored by Ministry of Education, Government of India, through its National Mission on Education through Information and Communication Technology (NMEICT).

 The objective of the National Digital Library of India is to make digital educational resources available to all citizens of the country to empower, inspire and encourage learning.

NDLI provides free of cost access too many books. NDLI integrates content from different Indian Institutional Repositories. The NDLI has 100,218,178 resources as of today. There are 60 types of learning resources available – including books, articles, manuscripts, audio and video lectures, a thesis, etc. that are available in more than 400 languages.

NDLI supports browsing the content based on Subject, Source, Type of document, and Learning Resource. Contents from some popular sources like World eBook Library, South Asia Archive, OECD iLibrary, and Satyajit Ray Society can be accessed through NDLI.

NDLI provides the benefit of searching in three different languages – English, Hindi, and Bengali. Information can be personalized based on the education level, choice of language, difficulty level, media of content, and other factors while other Digital libraries may not include all these choices.

NDLI has been designed to benefit all kinds of users like School and College students, teachers, researchers, librarians, library users, professionals, differently abled users, job aspirants’ and all other lifelong learners.

Nation Digital Library of India can be accessed through either the website: or by downloading the NDL India app from Play Store or App Store.

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