Industry Institute Partners
Enhancing collaboration between technical institutions and industry has become an imperative need in the contemporary landscape. This partnership holds significant implications for engineering education, providing students with real-world exposure and facilitating their smooth transition into industry positions across the nation.
At Deccan College of Engineering and Technology, our Industry-Institute Partnership Centre (IIPC) is wholly committed to promoting close interaction between the academic community and industry professionals. The IIPC serves as a catalyst for consultancy services, sponsored research and development projects, industrial and academic training that goes beyond the standard curriculum, and the organization of industrial exhibitions and interaction events. By doing so, the IIPC equips engineering students with the knowledge and skills needed for careers in multinational corporations. This interaction effectively bridges the gap between academic institutions and industry.
To foster Industry-Institute Interaction, we have undertaken various initiatives, including:
1. Organizing Workshops and Conferences: Facilitating joint events where faculty and industry experts come together for knowledge exchange.
2. Guest Lectures: Inviting industry professionals to share their insights and experiences with students.
3. Curriculum Development: Collaborating with industry experts to enhance the curriculum with current industry practices.
4. Faculty Consultancy: Providing expert advice from faculty to industries in areas of mutual interest.
5. Joint Research and Field Studies: Undertaking research projects and field studies with faculty and industry personnel.
6. Exchange Visits: Faculty visits to industries for knowledge sharing and discussions.
7. Memoranda of Understanding: Establishing formal agreements to strengthen emotional and strategic ties between the institution and industries.
8. Human Resource Development: Offering programs by faculty to enhance the skills of practicing engineers.
9. Student Projects: Supporting students in conducting their B.E/ M.E/ M.Tech MCA projects in industries under joint guidance.
10. Faculty Assignments: Enabling faculty members to take on short-term assignments in industries.

Internships / Field Projects
The internship is a fundamental component of our academic curriculum, serving as a pivotal learning experience that allows students to reinforce and deepen their theoretical knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom. It involves the integration of practical activities, offering students the opportunity to:
1. Acquire Practical Skills: This includes making observations, conducting research, and processing information, thus enhancing their practical capabilities.
2. Familiarize with Industry Objectives: It acquaints students with the objectives and pressing issues in their specialized sector, providing essential employability skills.
The internship provides students with hands-on exposure to the industrial and organizational world. It allows them to apply their coursework knowledge, engage with professionals and peers, and refine their presentation, writing, and communication skills. For many, it serves as a stepping stone toward final job placements.
1. Exposure to Real Industrial Environment: It offers a unique perspective that cannot be replicated in a classroom, preparing students as competent professionals for the industry.
2. Skill Development: To provide opportunities for students to learn and refine real-time technical and managerial skills necessary for their future careers.
3. Technological Relevance: Exposing students to current technological developments in their field of study, making them up-to-date with industry trends.
Guidelines for Internship Application and Academic Credentials:
To recognize the value of internships and provide academic credit, the following framework has been established:
– Internships can be either full-time or part-time, with full-time options available during the summer break and part-time during the winter break within the academic year.
– The Internship Center collaborates with various industries, NGOs, startups, external institutes, and government organizations to identify suitable internship opportunities.
– These opportunities are shared with students and facilitate the selection process, both on-campus and off-campus.
– Each department, along with the internship coordinator, maintains a record of internships, tracks progress, and compiles statistics.
– Students receive recommendation letters to support their external internship applications.
– Upon completing an internship, students are awarded an internship completion certificate.
Internship options for Students
In-House Internships:
– Internships offered by faculty members within or across departments.
– Opportunities at the Science and Technology Start-Up Park (STSP) or Technology Innovation and Incubation Centre (TIIC).
– Participation in workshops, training programs, or roles within departments or student councils.
– Involvement in library, department, institute, or campus administration.
– Any other internships approved by relevant authorities.
External Internships / Field Trips:
– Industry internships, with or without stipend.
– Internships with government or public sector organizations (e.g., NSIC, CITD, C-DAC, BARC, Railway, ISRO, etc.).
– Engagement with NGOs or social internships.
– Participation in family business operations.
– Internships with external institutes or professors.
– Collaboration with startups or monitored incubation centers.
– Participation in industrial training programs organized by external entities.
– Any other internships approved by relevant authorities.

Industry and Academic MOU's
coming soon

Professional Networking
Beyond the classroom, engineering students have the opportunity to be part of many activities and organizations. These include student chapters of engineering professional organizations, which helps the students build their professional network. Students form connections with peers, professors and academic mentors from other colleges and different states.
Students can also participate in high-profile organizations such as our Formula SAE and Baja SAE race teams, SAE Aero (National / International) and steel bridge.
The list below highlights the presence of professional society chapters in the institute. Students can choose to be a member of any of the societies.
TASK – Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge
Telangana Academy for Skill and Knowledge (TASK) was established by the Government of Telangana for enhancing skilling synergy among institutions of Government, Industry & Academia. TASK granting access to the students, the modules for enhancing their technology, personal and organization skills at highly subsidized rates.
TASK partnerships with colleges to create environs conducive for growth through faculty development, research pilots and help colleges provide quality education for the leaders of tomorrow with focused systematic Programme.
TASK programmes help corporates gain access to a pool of trained graduates for suitable roles. Students are trained extensively in latest technology to help companies find the right candidate.
CII- Confederation of Indian Industry
The Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) works to create and sustain an environment conducive to the development of India, partnering Industry, Government and civil society, through advisory and consultative processes. CII is a non-government, not-for-profit, industry-led and industry-managed organization, with over 9000 members from the private as well as public sectors, including SMEs and MNCs, and an indirect membership of over 300,000 enterprises from 294 national and regional sectoral industry bodies. For more than 125 years, CII has been engaged in shaping India’s development journey and works proactively on transforming Indian Industry’s engagement in national development. CII charts change by working closely with Government on policy issues, interfacing with thought leaders, and enhancing efficiency, competitiveness and business opportunities for industry through a range of specialized services and strategic global linkages. It also provides a platform for consensus-building and networking on key issues.
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IEEE is the world’s largest professional association dedicated to advancing technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through IEEE’s highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities. IEEE, pronounced “Eye-triple-E,” stands for the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. The association is chartered under this name and it is the full legal name.
DCET IEEE Student Chapter
Association for Computing Machinery
ACM, the world’s largest educational and scientific computing society, delivers resources that advance computing as a science and a profession. ACM provides the computing field’s premier Digital Library and serves its members and the computing profession with leading-edge publications, conferences, and career resources.
DCET ACM Student Chapter
Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India’s leading recognized professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. Founded in 1953, it serves more than 60,000 members through various centers, whose number is 65, spread all over India and abroad. The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy. Government of India has recognized IETE as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) and also notified as an educational Institution of national eminence. Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad is a life organization member and enrolled with
DCET IETE Student Chapter
The Indian Society for Technical Education
The Indian Society for Technical Education is a national, professional, non-profit making Society registered under the Societies Registration Act of 1860. First started in 1941 as the Association of Principals of Technical Institutions (APTI), it was converted into Indian Society for Technical Education in 1968 with a view to enlarge its activities to advance the cause of technological education in the country.
DCET ISTE Student Chapter
Computer Society of India
The seed for the Computer Society of India (CSI) was first shown in the year 1965 with a handful of IT enthusiasts who were a computer user group and felt the need to organize their activities. They also wanted to share their knowledge and exchange ideas on what they felt was a fast emerging sector. Today the CSI takes pride in being the largest and most professionally managed association of and for IT professionals in India. The purposes of the Society are scientific and educational directed towards the advancement of the theory and practice of computer science and IT. Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad is a life organization member and enrolled with
DCET CSI Student Chapter
Society of Automotive Engineers
SAE International is a global association of more than 128,000 engineers and related technical experts in the aerospace, automotive and commercial-vehicle industries. SAE International’s core competencies are life-long learning and voluntary consensus standards development. SAE International’s charitable arm is the SAE Foundation, which supports many programs, including A World In Motion® and the Collegiate Design Series. The formation of SAEINDIA Collegiate club of institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad is recognized with
DCET SAE Student Chapter
Indian Concrete Institute
Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) is one of the leading professional bodies in India, catering to the professional needs of individuals and organisations involved in Concrete. Being a non-profit Organisation, it is dedicated to the cause of Disseminating Knowledge on Concrete, to Promote Concrete Technology and Construction and to address the Research Needs of Concrete. ICI was born in 1982 with around 500 members from 5 regional Centres. Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad is a life organization member and enrolled with
DCET ICI Student Chapter
The Institution of Engineers India
The Institution of Engineers (India) (IEI), the premier professional body of engineers in India, has contributed significantly in all faculties of engineering and all sectors of applications like academics, administration, industry, infrastructure and consultancy. IEI has been functioning under the objectives laid down in the Royal Charter, sanctioned in 1935, and has contributed to the national socio-techno -economic development policies. The Institute of Aeronautical Engineering, Hyderabad is life organization member and enrolled with
DCET IEI Student Chapter
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers
The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) is an independent engineering society, headquartered in central London that represents mechanical engineers. With over 113,000 members in 140 countries, working across various industries, the Institution is licensed by the Engineering Council,UK (EngC) to assess candidates for inclusion on its Register of Chartered Engineers. Our Vision is to improve the world through engineering by inspiring the next generation, developing professional engineers and setting the agenda.
DCET IMechE Student Chapter
Hyderabad Management Association (HMA)
Hyderabad Management Association (HMA) was conceptualized 56 years ago, in the year 1964, by dedicated young managers of the twin cities of Hyderabad and Secunderabad, who felt the need for developing managerial skills among young executives and spreading the message of professionalism among the practicing managers with the involvement of academia & industry.
The Hyderabad Management Association is affiliated to the All India Management Association (AIMA) New Delhi. AIMA associates with HMA for conduct of regular Joint Programs at Hyderabad.

Center of Exellence
Coming Soon