Dr. Syed Mohibuddin Bukhari
Name | Dr. Syed Mohibuddin Bukhari |
Designation | Associate Professor |
Brief Profile (Expertise) | As an Associate Professor at Deccan College of Engineering and Technology with 20 years of experience in teaching, I teach and research in the field of Mechanical Engineering, with a focus on finite element analysis, Operations research, and Product design. I have a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University; I have published several papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented at various conferences and seminars. I am a dedicated teacher who embraces student-centric approaches, providing experiential learning to his students. I am a passionate researcher with diversified research interests- developing materials for Automotive and Aerospace applications, additive manufacturing, and exploring new cost-effective manufacturing technologies for Aerospace industries. |
Department | Mechanical Engineering |
Mobile | 9849009607 |
mohibuddin@deccancollege.ac.in | |
Date of Joining | 06-11-2008 |
Educational Qualifications |
Professional Competency |
Knowledge and Expertise, Communication and Interpersonal Skills, Passion for teaching and Mentoring, Strong classroom management, Empathy and understanding, Continuous learning and improvement, Adaptability, and flexibility |
Specialization | CAD/CAM, Composite Materials, Manufacturing, Optimization |
Experience | Total: 20 Years (1+2) 1. Teaching: 20 Years a) Research: Years b) Administration: Years 2. Industrial : Years |
Publications | Total: 09 SC Imago Journals: Scopus Journals: Web of Science Journals: UGC CARE listed Journals: 01 Peer reviewed Journals: 06 |
Total: 1 SCImagoJournals: ScopusJournals: WebofScienceJournals: UGCCARE listedJournals: PeerreviewedJournals: |
Conference International Publications : 01 Conference National Publications : 01 Edited Books published by International Publishers: Edited Books published by National Publishers: 01 Book Chapters in edited books published by International Publishers: Book Chapters in edited books published by National Publishers: |
Research Guidance | PhD Thesis: Completed: Ongoing: M.E./MTech- Dissertations: Completed : Ongoing: B.E. Projects: 38 |
Research Projects | Academic: Completed: Ongoing: Sponsored: Completed: Ongoing : |
Patents Granted | International: 01 National : |
Patents Published | International: National: 01 |
Professional Memberships |
Institute for Engineering Research and Publication (IFERP) All India Council for Technical Skill Development (AICTSD) National Institute for Technical Training & Skill Development (NITTSD) |
Membership of Committees |
International Association of Engineers (IAENG) |
Awards & Honors | - |
Research Interest | 3D Printing; Additive Manufacturing; Advance Machining, Composites – Development, fabrication, characterization, and machining; Computer Aided Manufacturing; Modeling and Optimization techniques |
Research Profile (ID & URL) | Researcher Profile: ORCID Profile: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0003-2275-4121 ORCID ID: 0000- 0003-2275-4121 Scopus Profile: https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=57194032390 Scopus ID: 57194032390 Google Scholar Profile : https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=uZIiubUAAAAJ Google Scholar ID: uZIiubUAAAAJ Vidwan Profile: Research Gate Profile: |
Researcher Profile: ORCID Profile: Scopus Profile: Google Scholar Profile : Vidwan Profile: Research Gate Profile: |