Dr.Mahabubul Haq Atif
Name | Dr.Mahabubul Haq Atif |
Designation | Professor |
Brief Profile(Expertise) | With total of 21 years of teaching and research experience, Currently I am working as Professor in the department of Computer Science Engineering of esteem college-Deccan College of Engineering and Technology. I completed my PhD in the field of Ad Hoc Networks in Computer Science Engineering from “Rayalaseema University” a state government University. I have completed training program in artificial intelligence and Python. I am placement Coordinator CSE department. I have guided several MTech and BE Major projects. My mission is to nurture students, builders of nation, to achieve highest positions in today’s competitive environment of industries and serve the Society and Nation in the most prominent way. I have published multiple papers in reputed national and international journals. I obtained two patents for my novel inventions. I have also received recognition for my innovative research and dedicated academic service. I am very much passionate for learning new tools and methodologies and apply them to fulfill today’s dynamic market requirements. |
Department | Computer Science Engineering |
Mobile | 9866222746 |
atif@deccancollege.ac.in | |
Dateof Joining | 09-04-2015 |
Educational Qualifications |
B.E.,M.Tech,Ph.D. |
Professional Competency |
C-Language, C++, Java, Advance Java, JSP, Java Script, HTML, Network-Simulator-2 |
Specialization | Computer Science Engineering |
Experience | Total: 21Years 1. Teaching: 21Years a) Research: 9 Years b) Administration: 5 Years 2. Industrial: - Years |
Publications | |
Conference International Publications: Conference National Publications:01 Edited Books published by International Publishers: EditedBookspublishedbyNationalPublishers: - Book Chapters in edited books published by International Publishers: Book Chapters in edited books published by National Publishers: |
PhD Thesis: Completed: Ongoing: M.E./MTech-Dissertations: Completed:15 Ongoing: B.E.Projects:41 |
Academic: Completed: Ongoing: Sponsored: Completed: Ongoing : |
International: National : | |
International:_______ National:02 | |
ResearchGuidance | |
ResearchProjects | |
PatentsGranted | |
PatentsPublished | Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Deep Learning, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence |
Professional Memberships |
Membershipof Committees |
1) https://medwelljournals.com/abstract/?doi=jeasci.2017.5814.5820 2) https://www.scientific.net/AMR.403-408.994 3) ScopusProfile:https://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.uri?authorId=324530 4) https://www.semanticscholar.org/paper/Vehicular-Cloud-Computing%3A-leading-towards-Internet-Pasha/d024d2a56220d7a8e443a0c4996a5d42fe73dcee 5)https://scholar.google.co.in/scholar?q=Recognition+of+Distributed+Denial+of+Service+Attacks+Utilizing+Machine+Learning+and+Soft+Methods&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart 6)https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=584993245&rlz=1C1ONGR_enIN1063IN1068&sxsrf=AM9HkKn7b3ph_DW-sI9zGWSACQlJ-QMByw:1700809208754&q=DFM-+Predict+Gender,+Age,+Country:+Detect+Faces+And+Predict+Their+Gender,+Age+And+Country+Using+Machine+Learning+Programming(Imdb+Wiki+Dataset)&spell=1&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwien9-FiNyCAxX0TGwGHcd-FtsQkeECKAB6BAgHEAI |
Awards&Honors | |
ResearchInterest | ResearcherProfile: ORCIDProfile: ScopusProfile:GoogleScholarProfile: VidwanProfile:ResearchGateProfile: |
ResearchProfile(ID&URL) |